Will AI Replace Freelance Writers?

Picture of Tobit Odili

Tobit Odili

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As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, one question reverberates throughout the literary world: will AI replace writers? While AI has undoubtedly made significant strides in various domains, can it genuinely capture the essence of human creativity and the art of storytelling?

In this blog post, we’ll explore the premise of human writers being replaced by their digital counterparts, taking a closer look at the potential and limitations of AI in the realm of literature. Join us as we navigate this fascinating interplay to discover if the pen is indeed mightier than the algorithm.

Will AI Replace Copywriters?

Can AI tools truly replace freelance writers? The short answer: not quite.

There’s still a significant gap between AI-generated content and the masterful prose skilled writers bring. Interestingly, many AI writing tools are designed to assist writers in their creative process rather than replace them. These digital aides claim to speed up content generation, allowing writers to polish and refine the output.

However, fellow writers’ experiences suggest that AI-generated content often falls short of expectations. While AI can help bypass the dreaded blank page, the resulting text typically requires heavy editing and lacks the human touch that adds context and original insights and addresses critical pain points.

As one writer put it, “I don’t have any real concerns about these tools replacing the work we do, especially because we have industry-specific expertise which these tools don’t bring to the table.” Although the idea of sentient robots taking over humanity (á la Ex Machina) can be unnerving, the current state of AI should not be a cause for alarm among freelance writers.

Instead, focusing on how AI tools can enhance and support the writing journey is a more productive approach than dwelling on the fear of being completely replaced. The harmonious blend of human expertise and AI assistance is critical to unlocking new heights of literary potential.

Why Businesses Use AI

Why Businesses Use AI - iRocket Services

The primary reason businesses opt for AI-powered content writing lies in the pursuit of efficiency. AI writing tools like Jasper.ai claim to boost content creation speed by a factor of ten. While such a dramatic increase may be an overstatement, there’s no denying that AI can accelerate the content production process.

For instance, using AI and machine learning-powered tools can reduce the time it takes to research, organize, and write lengthy articles. This sometimes means taking an article from concept to publication in just an hour and a half. The three main areas where AI tools can streamline the workflow include:

  • Brainstorming ideas for content calendars
  • Organizing thoughts into coherent outlines
  • Researching topics and synthesizing information quickly
  • These benefits prove invaluable when optimizing content production, particularly for small marketing teams. AI tools might be sufficient for content generation if a company primarily publishes listicles or short articles on evergreen topics.

However, AI writing tools still exhibit limitations when covering trending topics, reporting on new formats and platforms, or delving into deeper issues affecting content creators. This is where human content writers step in to fill the gaps, providing the nuance, expertise, and creativity that AI tools have yet to master.

Can AI Be of Use to Human Writers?

Some AI tools have more of a content processing application, such as checking for consistency with a style guide—which, which is an extension of features like spellcheck and punctuation. Most freelance writers use Grammarly today. Grammarly also uses AI to predict the tone of your writing and provide suggestions or check for plagiarism. We expect these tools to integrate into our work processes.

The other category of these tools, the ones that generate content on their own with the help of a prompt or an outline, have an unprecedented set of applications. These “write for you” tools have various features targeted toward different target users and their needs. The writer is more geared toward enterprise teams, whereas Jasper and Copy.ai are toward freelance writers.

How these applications can help you as a freelance writer depends on the type of services you provide. For example, in the case of blog posts, generative tools can help freelance writers by:

  • Speeding the process: These tools can generate a full-length blog post but require heavy editing. Using these tools, you can put in your outline and finish that first draft within minutes.
  • Helping with specific sections: Some of these tools are good at a specific task, let’s say, generating SEO headlines for an article you wrote. If you are struggling with an intro or creating headlines, these tools can help.

We can also imagine a future where these tools can evolve and help with context switching. Imagine a tool that provides recommendations according to specific brand requirements by referencing a version of their style guide. That’d be nice, right?

What Should Freelance Writers Do About AI? 

While AI tools aren’t poised to replace expert freelance writers, they may pose a challenge to newcomers in the field. The key for aspiring writers is to view AI tools as potential allies rather than adversaries.

As one writer aptly said, “There will always be threats. The freelance writing market is more competitive than ever—even among humans, not just tools.” Instead of fearing these tools, writers should explore ways to harness their potential to improve self-editing skills and scale their services.

Focusing on specialization is another strategy for standing out in a competitive landscape. By honing subject matter expertise, cultivating a unique voice, or targeting a specific niche, freelance writers can distinguish themselves from AI tools and fellow humans.

In conclusion, freelance writing as a profession isn’t going anywhere. Although AI tools like ChatGPT have made impressive strides, they are far from self-sufficient, and human writers remain indispensable. By embracing these tools as helpful resources and concentrating on specialization, freelance writers can continue to thrive and succeed in the ever-evolving literary arena.