How AI is Reshaping the Landscape of the Advertising Industry

Picture of Mimi Phan

Mimi Phan

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing quickly. Nearly every part of our lives has been transformed by AI developments, and advertising is no exception. It’s predicted that by 2028, the global market value for AI in marketing will increase from $27.4 billion to $107.4 billion. However, should your company use AI in its upcoming advertising campaign?

The most recent AI advertising tools and programs enable us to probe deeper than ever into the wants and dislikes of our target audience. AI advertising blends AI technologies with customer and brand experience data to deliver exact insights into your customer journey and market trends. Natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), sentiment analysis, and other AI technologies help you make decisions so you can stay one step ahead of the competition and be ready for the difficulties of a competitive market.

Thanks to these most recent improvements, you can connect with the correct users and stop wasting money on clicks that won’t convert. Learn how the advertising industries are being affected by recent breakthroughs in AI.

What Is AI in Advertising?

Artificial intelligence (AI) in advertising refers to emulating human intellect in devices designed to act and think like people based on the data provided. They make better decisions in the future by using historical data to draw lessons from the past. Advertisers may use AI to make quick decisions, target the proper audience, and provide personalized experiences.

Benefits of AI in Advertising

Undoubtedly, the advertising industry has witnessed a significant transformation through the integration of artificial intelligence. This innovative fusion has yielded remarkable benefits for individuals and businesses alike. The advantages of AI-driven advertising are multifaceted and substantial, redefining how brands engage with their audiences and optimize their strategies. In this section, we’ll delve into AI’s various benefits to the advertising world.

More Customers Can Be Attracted

AI can assist your company in fast determining what is and is not working in its advertising campaigns. As an illustration, Coca-Cola employs AI algorithms to study when and how users discuss the brand on social media.

To be more precise, the business examined 120,000 pieces of social media information to comprehend the characteristics and habits of users and consumers who debate its products. As a result, the company can broaden its appeal and modify its content to serve consumers better.

Using Data to Target Ads Efficiently

Data can be used in advertising to forecast customer behavior and provide more precise, targeted adverts. According to Forbes, merging AI and Big Data can automate “almost 80% of all physical work, 70% of data processing, and 64% of data collection tasks.” Big Data refers to a sizable volume of newly discovered data that has become accessible due to the development of digital technologies.

It’s also important to note that, according to our State of AI Survey, 72% of marketing and business professionals feel that AI solutions may help them extract insights from data they otherwise wouldn’t be able to find.

Reduce costs and time.

In a recent trial, utilizing AI to develop advertising for subscriber growth cut the cost of contact acquisition by 300%, as HubSpot CMO Kipp Bodnar mentioned in an episode of Marketing Against the Grain.

The speed at which AI can operate and provide results is one of its main appeals. Huge volumes of data may be quickly gathered, analyzed, and sorted using AI. Marketers can then use its data to identify patterns and make wise advertising selections.

Eliminating uncertainty and swiftly identifying chances more likely to result in income can also help your firm save money on advertising.

Challenges of AI in Advertising

Without reasonable doubt, artificial intelligence in the advertising industry has done so much good to individuals and their companies; however, just as always, when things are emerging, there are bound to be challenges that accompany them. Below are some major challenges faced in the advertising industry using AI.

Data Security

The usage of consumer data by marketing teams must be ethical and by regulations (like the GDPR). As was already established, AI can gather information to produce more individualized adverts. Companies face severe fines and reputational harm if they do not adhere to these regulations.

The possibility that AI algorithms and models unintentionally gather private data about users remains a worry. Tools may go beyond acceptable if certain legal requirements are not explicitly used. Companies using AI to gather data for advertising will need to decide what customer data to safeguard and how to do it to reduce risk.

Duration of training and data quality

AI systems could not always know how to achieve broad marketing goals. These tools need some time to get accustomed to the goals of your business, client preferences, and historical trends. It requires both time and data quality assurance.

The effectiveness of AI-generated outcomes depends on the accuracy of the data inputs. All facets of the consumer, their activity, and their journey must be accurately reflected in the data. If artificial intelligence tools are not taught with accurate, timely, and representative data, they will not make the best conclusions possible, reducing the tool’s usefulness.

Therefore, to ensure the efficacy of AI models, businesses must invest in methods to validate the validity of the data input.

Lack of Creativity

AI can be a great tool for gathering data to guide marketing efforts, but people still need to develop innovative advertising ideas that spark conversation.

Customers, for instance, frequently gravitate toward social media advertising that demonstrates how the brand’s values match their own. Audiences also enjoy watching advertising that is humorous, contemporary, and relatable.

Only humans can currently create relatable and moving advertising content. Advertising that is overly dependent on AI risks becoming uninspired and disjointed. Though AI tools can’t lead creative initiatives, it’s vital to remember that they can still be useful during the creative process.

HubSpot’s Content Assistant AI feature can generate blog ideas, blog outlines, marketing emails, and more to help marketers achieve their goals.


To wrap things up, the path AI is carving in the advertising realm leads us to an intriguing future. Think personalized experiences taken to the next level, strategies supercharged by data insights, and the breaking down global barriers through AI’s influence. As AI keeps evolving, it’ll work hand in hand with human ingenuity, resulting in campaigns that strike the perfect balance between impact and lasting resonance. The upcoming advertising landscape holds exciting possibilities, all thanks to the collaborative dance between AI advancement and human creativity.